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Combining SEO and PPC for Better Results

SEO and PPC are often regarded as completely different online marketing techniques. However, their goal is the same – drive more traffic, increase exposure and ultimately get a higher ROI. In that sense, SEO and PPC should not be regarded as completely separate, but rather as different sides of coin. When used properly, they can aid each other, giving you maximum results from your online marketing strategy. Here is why using SEO and PPC together might be a very efficient way of getting the best out of both worlds.

Choosing the Right Keywords

When it comes to SEO, you already know that keywords are the driving force of every well- executed campaign. If you were doing SEO long enough, you already know which keywords work for you and which are a complete waste of effort for your business. The knowledge you have gathered from your SEO campaigns so far can help you identify good keywords that you can use in your PPC campaign that ultimately can also help your SEO.

Let’s say you sell unique steampunk clothes. You need to focus on selling keywords like for example “buy steampunk clothes” or “steampunk clothes for sale”. These keywords can be easily used in a successful PPC campaign. However, keywords such as “diy steampunk clothes” is a completely irrelevant keyword for you due to the type of your business. One such keyword should definitely not be used in a PPC campaign because it will not provide any value to you – people are clearly looking to do things themselves, so chances of them becoming customers are really slim and not worth the investment.

Use the PPC Data for SEO

When launching your PPC campaign, you will have the chance to place different ad copies, targeting different keywords and using different wording. At the end of your initial PPC campaign, it is a good idea to take a look at how different ad copies performed and how the chosen keywords had influenced your ROI.

Analyze your findings and you will have a lot to go on for your SEO campaign. You will already have a set of keywords and a certain writing style that you know attracted the most customers that you can use in your SEO campaign and create similar content.

Get Return Visitors

When SEO and PPC work hand in hand, getting returning visitors suddenly becomes easier.

When someone stumbles upon your website for the first time, they might be quick to leave. They might just want to see what you have to offer, or saw something they liked but they are still not ready to make a purchasing decision and would like to look around a bit more.

That’s when remarketing comes to life. By using PPC to remind people of your business is the easiest way of increasing your ROI through paid advertising. Simply, someone might have found your website but left, and then days later they decide they want your product but they simply can’t find it. This has probably happened to all of you – you haven’t bookmarked the website and regardless which search query you use you can’t seem to get it right, and going over your search history doesn’t seem like a very ergonomic idea. So you just give up and look for something similar elsewhere.

In order not to miss that opportunity, PPC can give your SEO effort the push by reaching out to people who already have been on your website.

Combining SEO and PPC can be a very beneficial idea if utilized right. Do your research and use the wonders of modern technology to strike gold.

  15/11/2018     5,562 Views

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